As I sit here writing this, it’s the evening of Labor Day Monday. I’ve had a good weekend, but I’ve got the Sunday blues (even though it’s Monday). Today marks the end of the long weekend, and worse, the end of the summer. I’m not quite ready for it to go. As much as I love crunchy leaves, boots, and cooler weather, I’m don’t want to say goodbye to hot days, beach vacations, and sundresses. Summer don’t go! I’m trying to hang on a little longer with this recipe for roasted peach pops. Not only is it a taste of summer, it might be the best thing I’ve ever made.
This summer has been my summer of ice pops. At the start of the season I bought two different kinds of molds. The one used in the photos is this set of 6 molds. Each pop is about 3 ounces. I also bought this smaller square pop mold
set. It seemed like too much when I was doing it, but I couldn’t help myself.
I wanted yummy, fruity, ice pops to keep the summer cool. I wanted them in the morning as I walked to work, in the evening after dinner, and as a midday treat on a hot Saturday. Over the last three months, I’ve made about a dozen different kinds. But today’s recipe is my absolute favorite.
I have made this recipe for roasted peach pops nearly half a dozen times this summer. For a few weeks in a row peaches kept showing up in the farm share bag. “Yes,” I’d think to myself, “more popsicles!” And I’d go home, make more, and somehow never get sick of them. Here’s the embarrassing secret behind this recipe: I drink any leftover puree that won’t fill up a mold. That’s how good this recipe is.
I stand by my earlier statement that this recipe is the best thing I’ve ever made. It seems hyperbolic to say that about ice pops, but it might be true. There are a few things in my life that every time I use them they make me ridiculously happy. The kind of happy where I exclaim out loud about it, tell everyone I know how great it is, and never get sick of it. I feel this way about my mattress, my face wash, my conditioner, and these pops. I look forward to every pop, and every one delivers on flavor.
It’s also delicious with whatever kind of peaches you have. I’ve done it with doughnut peaches, white peaches, and yellow peaches. All crazy good. To pile on a little more love for roasted peach pops, let me say this recipe is so easy to make. You need five ingredients: peaches, water, sugar, lemon, and vanilla extract. With that, you’ll make an ice pop that feels like summer and tastes like a peach cobbler.
Do not underestimate the importance of roasting the peaches. Yes, you could use the peaches raw, but I urge you not to give into laziness. When roasted, the peaches are softer, sweeter, and they start to release the most beautiful sticky ruby juice. Twenty minutes in the oven and the whole flavor is elevated. A splash of vanilla then adds a warm flavor that will remind you of your favorite baked goods. The flavor is decadent, but the caloric intake is not.
While I’ll miss summer’s long evenings, cookouts, and pool parties, I can still get my taste of summer with roasted peach pops. My freezer is currently stocked full, and the sunshine they bring makes it easier for me to look forward to fall. Soon, I know I’ll be gushing over pumpkin spice everything, roasting various squashes, and throwing cranberries into my breakfast smoothies. But for now, I’ll hold on to summer just a little bit longer. And you should too. Go makes these pops!
Adapted from People’s Pops.
Messy level: There is a little cooking involved, but all of it easy and largely hands-off. I do have one piece of advice though. If you’re using an immersion blender make sure to wait until everything is fairly cool and then blend in a deep bowl. A shallow bowl with hot peaches and simple syrup means tiny molten droplets of puree will likely hit your skin and hurt. Not that that’s ever happened to me…
- 1 pound 5 ounces/ 595 grams peaches (about 4)
- ⅔ cup/ 150 grams sugar
- ⅔ cup/ 158 ml water
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice (from about 1 lemon)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 350°F/180ºC.
- Cut the peaches in half and put cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet. [Note: if it's hard to get the pit out, just leave it. It'll come out easily once the peach is roasted]
- Roast for 20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, put the sugar and water into a small saucepan. Heat over medium-high. Bring to a simmer and stir occasionally. It's done when the sugar has dissolved. You've just made simple syrup! Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
- Once the peaches are done, remove from the oven and let cool slightly. Remove any pits.
- Put the peaches, simple syrup, lemon juice, and vanilla extract into a blender, food processor, or a deep bowl if using an immersion blender.
- Blend until evenly pureed.
- Transfer the puree to a pitcher or measuring glass with spout. You just want something that makes pouring easy.
- Pour puree into ice pop molds. Be sure to leave a little space at the time so the puree will have remove to expand when frozen.
- Add the sticks and put in the freezer until frozen, about 6-8 hours.
- When ready to eat, either run under warm water until easy to remove, or leave on the counter for 10 minutes. Try to be gentle and patient, otherwise you might break them when removing from the mold.
- Eat and enjoy!