When I was growing up my brother and I got to pick where we wanted to go for our birthday dinner. We could pick whatever meal and whatever kind of place. I grew up outside of Baltimore so sometimes it was a pit-beef dive and many times it was a crab feast at home. But a number of times we went to Roy’s. Roy’s is a Hawaiian fusion restaurant in downtown Baltimore, and the food is really good, but the molten chocolate lava cake is to die for. Sometimes I would pick Roy’s, sometimes Eric would pick Roy’s, and sometimes we’d both pick Roy’s. Our birthdays are only three weeks apart but that lava cake was WORTH IT. Ryan and I even went to Roy’s with our parents the day we got engaged. I have no idea what we had for dinner, but we had lava cake. And yes we were newly engaged, but we didn’t share, because yeah, it’s that serious.
I love sweets and I love chocolate lava cake. At restaurants it always seemed like such a fancy and complicated dessert. Sometimes you have to even order it at the start of the meal. It’s rich, decadent and gooey. How does it get like that? Do chefs inject chocolatey goodness? Is there some complex technique I’d need to master? I was so curious.
And then I did the research and it’s not hard at all. This recipe is a compilation of some recipes I found online. I’m sure Roy’s recipe is more complex, because I found some complex ones. But you can also make a quick, delicious, and impressive chocolate lava cake at home. It’s so darn easy! Also, it’s fairly portioned controlled. Usually when I bake I have one to two dozen of something, then Ryan and I eat too many, and then I take the rest to work and make my friends and coworkers eat too much.
This recipe makes 4 servings. I made two lava cakes the first night (because I only have two ramekins). Then I refrigerated the batter. A day and a half later I microwaved the batter for 20 seconds to make it less firm and then I cooked it according to the directions. They tasted just as good a few days later. Seriously, this recipe is delicious, gooey, and a great indulgence. Remember it’s an indulgence and a special treat and don’t think about the obscene amount of butter, sugar, and eggs.
3.5 – 4 oz chocolate – I used an 80% dark chocolate bar. You could also use baking chocolate. 3.5 oz is about the size of one bar of chocolate. I used 4 oz to make it more chocolatey.
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of confectioner’s sugar
2 eggs and 2 egg yolks
6 tablespoons flour
1. Heat the oven to 425°
2. Melt butter and chocolate. You can either do it in a double boiler or you can microwave it for 1 minute. I don’t have a double boiler so I used the microwave. Microwave for one minute and the butter will be completely melted.
3. Whisk the butter and chocolate until the mixture is smooth
4. Whisk in confectioner’s sugar. This makes the mix much thicker
5. Whisk in the eggs and yolks.
6. Whisk in the flour. It will now be a nice chocolate batter.
7. Spray your ramekins well with butter or nonstick spray. Fill the ramekins about 3/4 of the way full.
8. Cook for 10-12 minutes. It should be a little soft in the middle. The way to tell is the opposite of every other time you’ve baked. Stick a toothpick in the middle and if it comes out a little moist then you’ve still got the gooey center.
9. Once it’s done cooking you have two choices:
Choice A: Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar and eat from the ramekin
Choice B: Wait 3 minutes for it to cool. Using a pot holder grab the ramekin and flip it over quickly, but gently, to drop the cake on the plate. Everything else I read said to put a plate on top of the ramekin, flip the whole thing over, and then lift the ramekin straight up and off. Ryan and I tried this and it went terribly. We could not get a good enough grip on the ramekin and we ended up with one smashed cake and one askew cake. Just quickly lifting and flipping left us with a clean and nice looking cake. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar.

This is an example of Ryan removing the cake from the ramekin. He’s re-enacting as you can tell because I already sprinkled confectioner’s sugar.
Messy level: Super low! I made the batter in a glass food container. There were almost no dishes and I was able to snap on a lid for easy storage. Make sure to spray your ramekins well because that will also help with the clean up. The ramekin we sprayed the least had the most baked on cake and required a lot of elbow grease to clean.
You have provided an incredible website.
Love the commentary and the visuals. I’m definitely going to give this a try since my husband is a chocolate manic.
Look Delicious!
Just made the Lava Cakes and the family loved them… Cant wait for the next dessert item!